These are generic instructions for developing black and white film. Each film and developer combination will have slightly different times and temperatures for which they give ideal results. You will need to test your particular film and developer combination. The values given below are just recommendations. One of the most important things about developing your own film is consistency. Always ensure that you do everything exactly the same as you did last time. For example, if you start your timer as...
When shooting our photographs, we all think in f-stops and zones, but when we step into the dark room, all of those principles are thrown out the window. The silly thing is, every single one of those principles apply in almost the exact same way. Paper is exposed exactly the same, add one stop of light, and you’ll get one more zone, subtract a stop and you’ll drop by one zone on your paper. Then why the heck do we think in time instead of stops? Well, because that’s what most of our timers give us. ...
Use what ever works, tools, cardboard, hands, etc. Unless the obvious is part of the print, work subtly, don’t let the viewer see your dodges and burns. When using dodgers on a wire, and bend the wire so it goes up the light path before out of the print. This will help diffuse the light the runs along the path of the wire, helping to make it more invisible. Try to follow natural lines in the print when dodging or burning. Moving the dodger or burn item up and down the light path will help to diffuse and...
The following bleaches work well for different things and are pretty useful. The receipies are all for “stock” solutions, not working solutions. See the section on bleaching for making working dilutions. Potassium Ferrocyanide (Stock) # Keeps indefinitely in dark brown bottle. 10 g Potassium Ferrocyanide 100 ml water Thiocarbamide ‘dry’ Reducer (Stock) # Solution A Solution B 2.3g Iodine 50ml Mthyl alcohol ...
Solution A Solution B 3000 mL Water (hot 100°F+) 32 g Metol 92 g Sodium Sulphite 94 g Sodium Carbonate, Anhydrous Mix above ingredients one at a time until dissolved. Bring to 4000 mL with additional Water Allow to cool to room temperature before using. 3000 mL Water (hot 100°F+) 32 g Hydroquinone 92 gSodium Sulphite ...
We just moved into our new building here on campus (we moved from 42 (good) to 17 (not so good)). I’ve spent most of the day unpacking so far, and haven’t gotten much else done yet. Though I’m back to a window office. I’m right at the edge here on getting a window office. I’ve been here 5.5 years, and 5 seems to be about the magic number for this tema. The question now becomes how long will I get to keep it until someone more senior comes along. In any event, this new building is interesting. The...