Pete LePage

Thoughts on web development, life, and photography.

Getting ready for the second, shot at home New in Chrome. What feature are you most excited about in Chrome 83?


I can confirm, there are no zombies in NYC, yet… For the first time in 6 weeks, this morning I left my apartment building to do a grocery store run. Most were wearing masks, and the grocery store was stocked! Success.

RT @grigs: I wrote my undergraduate thesis on vote-by-mail and helped with the campaign to make it the standard in Oregon.

So I can say w…

Name (or link to) one song that has brought you joy or caused a smile on your face recently.


I Just Wanna Dance from Jerry Springer: The Musical…

Seriously, you should check it out! Because, who doesn’t want to dance right now?!

If Public Health called tomorrow & told you that you had tested positive for COVID-19 & asked you to list all the places you had been and all the people you had been in contact with for the last 7 days. Would you be proud of yourself? Or embarrassed by your actions?

I wish I had a strategic stockpile of onesies! Wearing a onesie in a video conference would add an air of levity. Unicorn, dragon, dinosaur, the options could be endlessly entertaining.

There’s a guy in NYC who’s been stealing the wheels off police cars… The cops are working tirelessly to catch him!

Curious about the new Native File System API for the web? Wake Lock? Web Serial? getInstalledRelatedApps? Idle Detection?

Don’t forget to submit your questions for our next #AskChrome episode where @kosamari and I are answering your questions about new Fugu APIs! 🐡

Proof Broadway Lotteries are awesome, won the @hadestown lottery a few months ago. ❤️ it so much, bought tickets and took a friend to see it last night. Even better than the first time. Cast was phenomenal, again!